Software Testing Services

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QA and Testing Services Your Testing Mindset

P99Soft revolutionizes traditional testing approaches. Our collaborative process integrates testers from the beginning, ensuring high-quality software delivery. We don’t slow you down – we accelerate innovation by identifying and fixing issues early.

  • Early Engagement
  • Accelerated Delivery
  • Frictionless Collaboration
  • Quality at Speed
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Avoid Software Bugs and Deliver Exceptional Products Faster​

P99Soft’s comprehensive QA and software testing services make sure your software functions flawlessly and meets user needs. We partner with you throughout the entire development process to deliver high-quality software, on time. Our dedicated teams (with a zero-turnover rate for long-term projects) ensure consistent testing and a smooth CI/CD pipeline, so you can release with confidence.

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Our Software Quality Assurance Services

We offer a variety of specialized tests to ensure exceptional functionality, performance, security, and usability. Our team meticulously examines your software across all devices and platforms, safeguarding your users’ data and delivering a seamless user experience. Let us help you build trust and confidence in your software with thorough and efficient QA testing.

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Functional Testing

The foundation of testing, this ensures core functionalities align with the software's requirements. Think of it as testing the "what" - does the app perform the actions it's designed for?

Performance Testing

This assesses how the application behaves under load. We simulate real-world usage patterns to identify bottlenecks and ensure smooth performance even during peak traffic. It's about testing the "how" - can the application handle heavy use without slowing down?

Security Testing

This proactive measure keeps your application safe from vulnerabilities that can leak out sensitive information. We put ourselves into the shoes of attackers and use different techniques to find and patch up weaknesses before they turn into threats. After all, security testing is earning the trust of your users.

Usability Testing

This deals with how users interact with the application. We assess the ease of use, intuitiveness, and user experience. Is the application designed so that users can find what they need to do quickly?

Compatibility Testing

It means that the application works well across different environments. We have tested on many devices and under various operating systems and browsers to ensure a smooth user experience for everyone, no matter what setup they may have.

Mobile App Testing

This type of testing, specifically for mobile applications, discovers issues about touchscreens, performance on various devices, and network connectivity. This means that we will ensure that your mobile app works seamlessly on any device your user may choose.

API Testing

Building blocks that connect various software components. It confirms that these connections work as expected to ensure smooth data transfers between all parts of your application.

Regression Testing

This kind of testing allows the re-execution of previously passed tests after making changes in the code. It ensures that any new features or bug fixes added don't accidentally introduce new defects in existing functionality.

Automation Testing

Although testing at times is very manual, many tasks can be automated using automation tools. It saves lots of time and resources. We use the automation frameworks to bring efficiency into the testing process and overall efficiency.

Why We're Your go-to Software Testing Services company

At P99Soft, we realize that the requirements of a gaming company differ significantly from those of a bank. That’s why we never work based on the one-size-fits-all type of approach. We tailor our product engineering services to serve diverse industries, covering areas of expertise for your business needs.

This is not an exhaustive list. If you are in an industry that isn’t on this list, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are passionate about helping businesses of all shapes and sizes achieve their product development goals. Just a few examples:

AI-Powered Insights, Not Just Automation

We leverage cutting-edge AI to analyze user behavior and identify usability roadblocks before they become customer pain points. Imagine uncovering an intuitive design flaw your competitors' testers might miss.

Security Sleuths, Not Just Gatekeepers

We go beyond basic security checks. Our team thinks like attackers, using advanced penetration testing techniques to identify and patch vulnerabilities before they end up in the wild. Consider it future-proofing your software against tomorrow's threats.

Faster Than Fast, But Smarter Than Speed

We understand that time is money. Our lean, agile testing methodologies get you to market quicker without sacrificing meticulous thoroughness. Think of it as having a pit crew that operates with laser focus.

Beyond the Bug Report: Data-Driven Decisions

We don't just report bugs, we translate them into actionable insights. Our in-depth analytics reveal user behavior patterns and inform data-driven development decisions. Imagine having a roadmap to prioritize fixes based on real user impact.

Your Partner, Not Just a Vendor

We succeed when you succeed. We build collaborative partnerships, integrating seamlessly with your team to become a force multiplier for quality. Think of us as champions for your vision, not just detached observers.

Our Software QA Services Process, from Kick-off to a Polished Product

Planning and Preparation (Get Ready, Set...)
  • Requirements Analysis: Here, our testers delve into the software's blueprints – the requirements documents. They ensure these requirements are clear, complete, and testable.
  • Test Plan Development: With a firm grasp of the requirements, our testing team crafts a roadmap. This plan outlines the testing strategy, scope, resources, and schedule. It defines what will be tested, how, and by whom.
  • Test Case Design: Following the plan, testers meticulously design test cases – specific scenarios that simulate real-world usage issues. and expose potential
Test Execution (Go!)
  • Test Environment Setup: A testing environment, mimicking the final user experience, is built. This could involve setting up servers, databases, and any necessary software configurations.
  • Test Case Execution: Testers meticulously execute the designed test cases, manually or through automation tools. They document the findings, including screenshots, logs, and detailed descriptions of any bugs encountered.
Defect Management (Catch and Fix)
  • Bug Reporting: Identified bugs are documented in a defect tracking system. This system allows developers and testers to track the bug's status, from initial discovery to resolution.
  • Regression Testing: Once bugs are fixed, regression testing ensures the fix hasn't caused unintended side effects. This involves re-running previously passed test cases.
Release and Beyond (Success!)
  • Test Sign-off & Reporting: After comprehensive testing and minimal bugs, testers formally sign-off, indicating the software is ready for release. A final test report summarizes the testing process, findings, and overall quality assessment.
  • Monitoring and Maintenance: Even after release, the testing process doesn't stop. Monitoring tools and user feedback can reveal new issues that require further testing and potential updates.

Latest Insights on Software Testing, QA Trends, and Industry News

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