Pros and cons of cloud based software solutions

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What Is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing is the delivery of different services through the Internet. These
resources include tools and applications like data storage, servers, databases,
networking, and software.
Rather than keeping files on a proprietary hard drive or local storage device,
cloud-based storage makes it possible to save them to a remote database. As long
as an electronic device has access to the web, it has access to the data and the

software programs to run it.

Cloud computing is a popular option for people and businesses for a number of
reasons including cost savings, increased productivity, speed and efficiency,

performance, and security.

Cloud computing is a fast-growing sector, and cloud computing jobs have a high
demand too. But, to be honest, there are some cloud computing vulnerabilities as

well as benefits of cloud computing.

What are the pros and cons of cloud computing?

Cloud computing is rapidly evolving, and businesses of all sizes are adapting to this
new technology. Accordingly, the pros and cons of cloud computing are also
frequently explored. While cloud computing has numerous advantages for mid-sized
to large organisations, it comes with drawbacks. But let’s start by looking at the
advantages of cloud computing.

Pros of cloud computing :

There are a lot of reasons why cloud computing has become so popular throughout
the world. It is not only cost-effective, but it also has a lot of other benefits. The
advantages of cloud computing are considerably more intricate and important than
you would believe, so let’s take a look at what they have to offer.

  1. Reduce Costs

In-house data storage costs companies a significant amount of money. There’s the
up-front price tag of purchasing each new server as well as the cost of installing
them. Either your IT team has to take time out of their busy schedules to perform the
installation, or you have to pay the vendor to do it. Then you need to ensure the
equipment is maintained properly and backed up regularly.
Even when you invest in the best equipment, something can always go wrong due to
human error. If your team is the one responsible for installation and maintenance,
and they make a mistake, there’s no one to turn to for support. With cloud
computing, the headache associated with maintaining in-house systems disappears
as you have the support of your service provider. Because the cost of infrastructure
is included in your plan and split among all the service provider’s clients, you save
money. According to the Global Cloud Services Market report, organisations that
deploy cloud computing services save more than 35 percent on operating costs each

  1. Data control
    Another major advantage of the cloud is that it collects all of a company’s data from
    several projects and branch offices to a single location. You have complete control
    over the data without going to various locations to verify it.
    Infrastructural changes in the cloud improve application and service availability.
    Cloud services run on shared, redundant infrastructure, ensuring a greater number
    of IT services.
  2. Save on space :
    Cloud computing can free up space in your office for more workstations and
    amenities while also eliminating planning for future hardware growth. You won’t have

to worry about installing dedicated breakers, high-voltage lines, specialised HVAC
systems, or even backup generators with the cloud.

  1. Consolidate your Data :
    With cloud storage, data is distributed amongst bi-coastal data centres. Syncing
    technology makes it possible to link up and update data quickly, but storing data in
    the cloud makes syncing unnecessary. When all your data is stored in the cloud, you
    know exactly where every piece of information is at any given time.
  2. Increase Automation :
    Regular backups are a must to keep your data safe. Creating backups and
    scheduling them around regular operations is time-consuming for the IT department.
    Cloud computing services take much of the struggle out of this process by
    automating these everyday backups so that your staff may return to doing what
    matters most: growing your business.
  3. Defend against Disaster :
    Cloud-based storage is much more secure than operating an on-site data center.
    Organisations that store their data on the premises see 51 percent more security
    incidents than those that use cloud storage.One of the advantages of storing data in
    the cloud is that there isn’t one single point of failure. Your data gets backed up to
    several servers, so if one of them fails, your organisation’s information remains safe
    and secure.
  4. Improved collaboration
    Cloud applications improve collaboration by allowing groups of people to quickly and
    easily share information in the cloud via shared storage.

Cons of Cloud-Based Software Solutions:

Despite its advantages, as previously said, cloud based software comes with few
cons. Before adopting, firms, especially smaller ones, must be aware of these

  1. Dependence on Internet Connection:
    Cloud-based software relies heavily on a stable internet connection. If the
    connection is slow or unreliable, it can affect the performance and
    accessibility of the software. Users may experience lag or downtime when
    accessing their applications or data.
  2. Data Security Concerns:
    While cloud providers take extensive measures to secure data, storing
    sensitive or confidential information on external servers raises concerns for
    some organisations. Companies need to carefully evaluate the security
    measures implemented by the cloud provider and ensure compliance with
    relevant data protection regulations.
  3. Limited Control:

With cloud-based solutions, organisations have limited control over the
underlying infrastructure and software. They rely on the cloud provider for
maintenance, updates, and system availability. This lack of control can be a
concern for businesses with specific customization or regulatory

  1. Potential Vendor Lock-In:

Migrating to a cloud-based software solution may result in vendor lock-in,
where switching to another provider or transitioning back to an on-premises
system becomes challenging. It is crucial to consider the long-term
implications and potential costs associated with changing providers or moving
away from the cloud.

  1. Performance Variability:
    Cloud-based software performance can be influenced by factors such as
    network congestion or the cloud provider’s server load. Shared resources can
    result in performance variations during peak usage periods, affecting
    response times and overall system performance.
    Conclusion :

It’s essential to carefully evaluate these pros and cons based on your specific
requirements and business needs before deciding to adopt a cloud-based software

solution. Whilst cloud storage does pose potential security threats and may not be
suited to all business needs, we feel the benefits of cloud storage far outweigh the
potential costs. Cloud storage is certainly here to stay and something most businesses
should consider using.

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